Saturday, April 3, 2010

Visiting Italy

This post is more for me than anything else...not that I have any followers anyways. haha. My mother is an art teacher and she works with another art teacher at Highland Hills named Leslie Shell. Ms. Shell was my art teacher growing up and her daughter is only a few years older than I. Although we have only met once when we were younger and very briefly at that, our mothers feel that we are "twin daughters," and so we have struck up somewhat of an online relationship. From what I know of her she seems very sweet and she loves the Lord and to travel, so perhaps our mothers are right this time. :) She has been nice enough to share with me a bit of her expertise on traveling in Europe as she spent a summer doing just that a few years back. She shared with me two "hidden treasures," as she calls them that she feels I just MUST see and from the photos I've seen, I believe she is right. These two places are so magical and beautiful and they have both definitely been moved to the top of my list of places to visit. The first was Cinque Terre, Italy or The Five Islands in English and the second is called Interlaken and is located in Switzerland. The first especially looks like paradise to me. A place that I would dream of living in. When looking into possible routes I could take in getting there, I found a site that gives you a lot of really helpful advice about traveling in Italy. Since this is a place that I hope to live in for a least some amount of time in my life, this certainly caught my interest and will be information I make good use of. Click here to access the site.

1 comment:

  1. Cinque Terre is AWESOME. Mark and I spent a couple weeks in Italy two summers ago. We were there, Tuscany (Which is wonderful aslo) Sorrento and Sicily. You will just LOVE Italy. The people in southern Italy are quite brash, but that's just part of the adventure. I'm so happy to see you doing so well and being so adventurous. Good for you! Live it up and enjoy every blessing God has given you!
