Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas in Merrijig

        I spent Christmas with the family I work for and going into it I really wasn't sure what to expect. I really feel very comfortable with them, but I hadn't met any of this side of the family with the exception of Steve's parents and I was a bit worried that I would be intruding or that I would feel like an outsider. Thankfully this wasn't the case and I really had a wonderful time and didn't even feel homesick!
        We stayed in a hotel, but most of our time was spent at a house that was owned by one of Steve's brothers. It was in the mountains and was the type of place in which you just can't help but feel at home. A river ran behind the house making the whole setting very picturesque, and we swam in a deeps spot of the river that they've nicknamed the black hole daily to cool off and for something to do. The water was very cold as it is filled by runoff from the mountain which in the winter is popular for skiing, so we had to jump in, but once you were in, it was worth it.
        There wasn't really much to do, but there were several people my age there who made me feel welcome and I tagged along with them and learned how to play cricket and even a few magic tricks. We played a lot of cards and some scrabble and did a lot of eating which isn't too far from Christmas at home. :) It was very relaxing and I got to see a bit more of Australia on the drive there. Most importantly now I can say I've spent Christmas in the mountains as well as in the summer!!
         The stars out there were really spectacular. It had been too long since I'd seen them that clearly.

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