Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bondi to Bronte

         This past weekend my family here took me on a very famous walk along the beach and the cliff-side. For two weeks each year, about a hundred sculptures are placed along the the path and thousands of people come out to see them and enjoy the spectacular beach weather. We went early in the morning and had a big breakfast that we prepared in a park near Bronte Beach and then we walked to Bondi which is one of Sydney's main tourist beaches. The sculptures were made of a wide assortment of materials and no two were alike or even similar. They all seemed made specifically for where they would be placed and added so much to the atmosphere that it made me wish they would keep them there all year round. They were smart enough to bring two cars and we parked one at the end so we could drive back to Bronte as the kids would not have been at all happy about having to make the walk back. We already had to bribe them with ice cream to get them through to the end without too many complaints as it was.
        When we arrived back at Bronte we went for a much needed swim as it was a very hot day and I had a great time playing in the high surf. Jumping in the waves brought back memories of childhood and it had been too long since I had been in a proper ocean. After a while we headed to a pool carved out of the rocks by the sea that high tide fills as it washes over it's edges. This was a very different experience and one I will definitely make my way back to. It was really a very spectacular idea and a very simple one at that which made it all the more beautiful. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the time we spent in the water, but I did take tons of photos during our walk. I'm sorry already because I fully intend to include far too many photos. I can tell that it's going to be really difficult for me to choose between them, so this time I'm just going to choose them all. If you get bored, stop looking. :-P I didn't edit these at all! It's really this beautiful here!


  1. Wow! That looks like the prettiest place on earth! Looks like you are having a blast :)

  2. It is most definitely up there and I certainly am! :)
