Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Way Out

        There are a lot of small differences about life here. Some are more subtle than others, but it's funny how something small can cause a cultural block between us. When I first arrived here, I asked someone where the restroom was and they just stared at me in complete confusion. Here it's called the toilet, which isn't so unusual, but it sounds really strange and informal to say "can you tell me where the toilets are."
       I've found that about half the time, the people I meet are foreigners like me, and are often just as confused or unable to give directions. Once when I was riding on the tube at a time when the train was particularly crowded, the driver came over the intercom and said, "I think we should make this one V.I.P." Everyone around me just stared at each other. We had absolutely no clue what he was talking about and I still haven't quite figured it out. He waited a while before leaving, so the only meaning I can derive from it was that he meant that some people needed to get off because it was too crowded. ??
       Another problem we've run into is that when we need directions and we can actually find a local to help us they're not sure how to tell us where to go in a way that we understand. They assume that we know the area better than we do and that we know the names of stores or streets in the area. The conversations tend to be somewhat circular and in the end we usually have to find our way on our own anyway. I'm also surprised at how many different stores and brands I've seen. I rarely see any brands I recognize and when I do, the products often have different names or they're different products all together or the packaging is completely different. Of course there's McDonald's, KFC, Starbucks, the usual suspects, but even they sell some different products and those are the only places I recognize.
       One difference that I have found most odd is that they don't have any exit signs here. Even in China there were exit signs. Here they say "way out" instead. I guess maybe some foreigners wouldn't know the word exit. ?? They also rarely have street sign here, which makes the city a bit harder to navigate. I guess they are ugly and take up space, but I already miss them. I've seen more whole milk than anything else and just as much goat milk as 2%. I'm going to get to try a lot of new things I guess and I think grocery shopping will be pretty interesting. lol. So far the main thing I've learned is that I have a lot to learn. That's probably the understatement of the year. Oxford trip in the morning!

These are a slight bit out of order because some of them were taken in Oxford, but this seemed like as good a place as any to put them. The first is Westminster Abbey, second is me at Wagamama, next four were taken during a scavenger hunt, a street busker, sparkle cupcakes at Covent Garden, a famous tea house, and a rare black phone booth, and the last four are from Oxford. Enjoy!

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