Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Easter Show

        Every year, during the month surrounding Easter, Sydney holds something like our State Fairs that they call "The Easter Show." It's a bit pricey really. You have to pay for admission and then for all the food inside as well as an arm and a leg to ride the rides. The rides were maybe a step above the standard carnival rides and Caroline and I took the kids on a few and even rode one of the more adult ones together while they ate some lunch.
         They had all sorts of farm animals around in 4H style. People raise them and enter them in competitions and those animals are then displayed for you to see. They had baby piglets and a petting zoo and we watched horses jump obstacles and even saw a wood-chopping competition. It was a good time and it reminded me a lot of home. I'm glad I got to experience it while I was here in Sydney.

 The Three Little Pigs

T2 Tea Party

        The kids had a week or so off for Easter break and since Guy was going to be occupied all day at Jujitsu Camp, Abby and I had a girls day out together. I wanted to do something a little different, so I ended up taking her for her very first High Tea Party. She didn't want to eat some of what was offered (mostly the sandwiches), but she does actually like tea and seemed happy with all the sweets so it turned out really well. She's really a joy to be around as I'm sure I've mentioned many times, so it was just as fun for me. She had two whole cups of tea and got a kick out of having her very own tea pot. Her mother being English was obviously all for it although I think she wished she thought of it first. ;) I'm not a huge fan of tea myself, but I do love Chai and cakes. T2 is one of my favorite places in the city. I wish we had them at home!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


        The Perfect Hiding Spot. My Suitcase. 
(Also extremely adorable.)

Aussie Rules Football Game

        Steve, the father of the children I nanny, was kind enough to acquire tickets from his work so that I could experience an Aussie Rules Football game firsthand. We went to the ANZ Stadium at Sydney Olympic Park which rather obviously was used for the Olympics. I'm not typically much for sports, but this was a really fun day out with the family and the game was actually relatively interesting to watch. The field is oval in shape and has three goals on each side. The center goal is worth six points and the outside two are each worth one. I won't go into a full explanation of the rules but to me it seemed like a combination of soccer, American Football, and Ultimate Frisbee. It was a close game with a very exciting ending, resulting in a come back and a win for the terrifying Sydney Swans. ;) It was a true Australian experience and it's always nice to have free game passes. If you're ever in Australia, make sure to check out a game for yourself.

Girl's Beach Trip

         A while back some friends and I took a trip to the beach knowing that it would probably be our last trip of the season. It had already become considerably colder and next to the water the wind really picked up. A few of us were crazy enough to actually enter the water, but I was content to stay dry and enjoy the sound of the ocean waves. We had a nice picnic and enjoyed each-others company. Bronte's my favorite beach, so I was more than happy with the day. I wish it was still warm, but I'm enjoying the Fall all the same!