Monday, April 25, 2011

Camping in Glenworth Valley

       Spending time with my Sydney family I have come to realize that to some, I am something of an expert on camping. Prior to my time overseas, I have usually been fortunate enough to have other people around who took care of the cooking and of setting up the tent, building the fire, etc. On this particular camping trip, they were looking to me to explain all of these tasks to them which was a whole new experience for me. It was Abby's first time sleeping in a tent and we shared our own tent and made a girl's night out of it. We made shadow puppets and stayed up giggling long after the rest of the family had gone to bed (especially when we heard her father snoring loud enough to wake the dead). She's really a lovely little person and a joy to be around.
        Glenworth Valley specializes in horseback riding and so Caroline and I went on a nice horseback ride together. They allowed us to trot with the horse far more than I have ever been allowed to in The States and I feel a lot more confident as a rider now. My horse as usual (for me) did whatever it wanted to do and took the liberty to run off in the woods to get to the front of the pack not worrying about the branches I would have to suffer through. It was a lot of fun, but I paid for it later. My muscles were very upset with me for the following two of three days.
        I also had the opportunity to go Abseiling for the first time which is another word for repelling. It was pretty scary at times, but we had good guides and it's not very difficult or strenuous. I couldn't see the cliff until I was already hanging off the edge of it, and I kept making the mistake of looking down. It's not for the fainthearted or those who fear heights for sure, but Steve and Guy and I had a great time.
        I have the best job in the world.

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