Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My New Life in Sydney

       I've been here in Sydney for about a week and a half now and right now I feel very confident and comfortable in my new life here. I have no negative comment to make! So far at least, I absolutely love it here. I feel so blessed to have landed such a spectacular family to spend the year with. I get along great with the parents (Steve & Caroline) and I love the kids! They are such great little people and I can't think of any other children who would be more a joy to spend my time with. Their tantrums are extremely few and they are very well mannered and light-hearted. We have so much fun together and have already had a lot of good laughs (once when I laughed so hard I was in tears).
        Abby has become my shadow and she climbs all over me and drags me around like a puppy most of the time. She told me a few days ago that I was like a "big fat rope," because I was so easy to climb on. She only gets fussy when I won't let her eat in the playroom or when she is very tired and then mom and dad are the ones to handle her so she's almost too easy for me really. Guy takes a little more work. I have to get on his level and talk to him about Pokemon or some other television show or maybe help him ride his bike, and generally just make him laugh, but all of this I can do and make time for (yes...even the Poke-talk.) He gets a little more upset about having to miss his TV programs than Abby though and while I feel confident that Abby will always forgive me and love me, I do worry a bit about pushing Guy too far and leaving him bitter towards me which I don't want at all. I know that there's always a balance and I'll just have to continue to aim for it.
        I've only been to the city once and that was to go to Hillsong which amazingly I loved even more than Hillsong in London. The atmosphere was just more comfortable and accepting somehow. Everyone sat right next to people they didn't know and that is so rare even though it's how church should be. I can't wait to meet more people and really get involved this year. There is more than one Hillsong campus here in Sydney and I didn't go to the main one. I plan to someday, but for the most part I'll go to the city campus because it is closer and easier to get to. I took the bus this time, but I'm much more confident with driving now, so soon I'll just drive there and save a lot of time and hassle with public transportation.
        Today I ventured out by myself and drove around, away from the city, but still... I am pretty used to driving on the other side of the road already and I'm beginning to learn the main roads and to orient myself with where we live in comparison to the rest of the city which feels great. I have full use of the car all day as Caroline takes the bus to work and she is happy for me to drive anywhere I like (which is wonderful.) My schedule isn't grueling at all with the kids. I basically just faciliate their schedule and make sure they do what needs to be done. Since they're away at school most of the day, I have lots of time to do whatever I need or want to do during the week, and then of course, I have weekends off.
        I can tell already that I will probably choose to spend most of my weekend time with the family even though I don't need to because they go fun places and I genuinely enjoy spending time with them. This past weekend we went out to dinner to a nice Italian restaurant in the city, to the Granny Smith Apple Festival, and to the beach. It was a lovely weekend and I had a lot of fun! The beach especially was very beautiful and a place I never would have found without the knowledge of a local. We had fish and chips and then walked out on a little island and sat on the rocks and played in the water and it was a perfect day (made even better by Hillsong that night).

         So basically what I'm saying is....I LOVE IT HERE!! =D


  1. this made me cry for some reason...surprise surprise haha :) I wanna be there.

    maybe I'll au pair in nz or australia next year??

  2. I love you.

    You should do it. Maybe you could just au pair in California. ha. That could work well for you.
